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Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity (TAPP) was founded to promote free trade around the world and oppose tariffs on foreign imports. In order to make an impact, Ainsley Shea knew TAPP would need strategic branding, content, and media relations. Starting from scratch and attempting to make such significant changes to policies is never easy, but Ainsley Shea was more than prepared for the challenge.


With Ainsley Shea advocating for other political movements in the past, this was right in our wheelhouse. The team has shaped all of TAPP’s work, including all media relations, branding/design, website building, and even direct communication with key lawmakers. Recent changes to the website optimized search functions, making it much easier to disseminate the message to important stakeholders.


●      New website
●      Publication placement
●      SEO implementation
●      Print assets
●      Video ad campaign