SynerFuse came to Ainsley Shea with an innovative surgical technology and needed a way to get it to the public. Ainsley Shea had to start at phase one—the name. We found the best fit based on the look, feel, and procedural results. We took this product and sent it to hundreds of publications covering medical technology. SynerFuse needed new branding and new direction, but that’s why they came to Ainsley Shea.
Ainsley Shea created specific branding methods and positioning to fit SynerFuse’s customized communications plan. Ainsley Shea got the attention of the right people in the medical community by producing press releases and getting them into the proper publications. The naming and branding of the innovative technology along with the professional website made a significant difference in public recognition of the groundbreaking capabilities SynerFuse has to offer.
● Product name
● Publication placement
● Qualified Investor relations
● Branding
● New website
● Positioning
● Trade Show Displays
● Marketing Materials
● Animation and Video